About Milano Company
Milano Company was established in Iran in 2007. The head office of this company is located in Shariati St., Tehran.
This company with a work experience of about thirteen years and creating about forty direct jobs, three thousand and two hundred indirect jobs, is one of the largest companies in the field of supplements and pharmaceuticals in the Islamic Republic of Iran. discovery, bioseta nutrition, lactone life, quest nutrition, Baby Tela Rosa, Number one nutrition. Also, this company is the only Iranian company that owns a global brand called Istala Nutrition. Milano company in the field of sponsorship and team management has also been a leader in the domestic and foreign arenas. It is one of the activities of this company. In the end, it is mentioned that the Milano company is completely “and officially operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Natural and healthy products
Buy the best products with the highest quality from Milano online store and build your body.
Having experienced staff
Milano Company with a history of about thirteen years with its experienced staff is trying to be able to offer the best services to customers.

Why should you choose us?
Milano Company pursues this goal by using the latest food supplements that aim to strengthen its muscles and muscles, and also to build the trust of its customers through its experienced staff.
Contact us
Thursday: 8:30 to 14